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Woodpecker Cavity Cam

Help researchers explore the world of woodpecker nest cavities and the animals that use them!

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Our research is allowing us a glimpse into the fascinating and understudied world of woodpecker cavities and the many different animals who use and compete for this unique resource. Join us to explore the compelling and constantly-changing world of woodpecker cavities!

Woodpecker Cavity Cam

About Woodpecker Cavity Cam

The Woodpecker Cavity Cam project began in 2019 to augment ongoing research and fill additional knowledge gaps about red-headed woodpeckers. We are working to learn more about their nesting ecology and behavior and the many other animals that use and compete for the cavities these woodpeckers create. Researchers at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve, the University of Minnesota, and volunteers with the Red-headed Woodpecker Recovery Project and Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis have collaborated to place trail cameras outside of red-headed woodpecker cavities at Cedar Creek. Now we need your help to go through the thousands of videos we've collected to document how and when different animals use these cavities, and how nest predators and competition may impact nesting red-headed woodpeckers.

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