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Transkripsiyonu nasıl yapacağınıza dair videomuza buradan yazılı dokümana ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. / You can find the links to our video about transcription task here and written tutorials here.

Ottoman Turkish Crowdsourcing

Let's explore Ottoman Turkish Archives Together !

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Welcome to the Ottoman Turkish Crowdsourcing project! Help us transcribe the 19th to early 20th century Ottoman Turkish manuscript and print collections. You can do real research by clicking the collections below to get started!

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About Ottoman Turkish Crowdsourcing

Welcome to the Ottoman Turkish Crowdsourcing project! Help us transcribe Ottoman Turkish manuscripts and print collections while learning about late Ottoman-era cultural history. In this project, you have a chance to work with others on the 19th to early 20th-century handwritten and printed Ottoman Turkish archival collections by transcribing portions of these documents. You can do real research by clicking the collections below to get started!

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