Ever wonder why they haven't found it yet? Or have they? And this is a distraction to keep us looking in the wrong places? It's supposed to be a giant ice planet... that looks like a giant ice planet to me. But hey, we can all agree to disagree.. but when people finally start waking up and realize this is a distraction... check out Dill Martin on youtube. You'll start to see there are bodies ALL over the sky making their presence visible. NOT JUST THIS ONE. 39 Light years away? HA! I believe that's all to slowly introduce us to the fact there will be visible planets in our sky... but will it be too late? Will we have already had a pole shift by then destroying much of Earth? Why is CIA moving to Denver? Why is there a secret city beneath Denver airport? Why are retired Navy moving to Arkansas Ozarks? Higher elevation? Do they know something they're not telling us? Pay attention. I find these announcments rather suspect. They're desensitizing us to the idea of ETs and other planets around our sun... Next they will say "Oh, it's much closer than we first believed" or "It's moving at an unanticipated rate of speed"... I'm just saying - this is a distraction. Wake up people.
Ever wonder why they haven't found it yet? Or have they? And this is a distraction to keep us looking in the wrong places? It's supposed to be a giant ice planet... that looks like a giant ice planet to me. But hey, we can all agree to disagree.. but when people finally start waking up and realize this is a distraction... check out Dill Martin on youtube. You'll start to see there are bodies ALL over the sky making their presence visible. NOT JUST THIS ONE. 39 Light years away? HA! I believe that's all to slowly introduce us to the fact there will be visible planets in our sky... but will it be too late? Will we have already had a pole shift by then destroying much of Earth? Why is CIA moving to Denver? Why is there a secret city beneath Denver airport? Why are retired Navy moving to Arkansas Ozarks? Higher elevation? Do they know something they're not telling us? Pay attention. I find these announcments rather suspect. They're desensitizing us to the idea of ETs and other planets around our sun... Next they will say "Oh, it's much closer than we first believed" or "It's moving at an unanticipated rate of speed"... I'm just saying - this is a distraction. Wake up people.
8 Participants
We had two projects at Notes from Nature that used the same set of images to collect very different types of data about them (Arkansas Dendrology: Part 7: Red Oaks and Phenology I: Oaks). The two projects were not "live" at the same time. The second one did use the same Subject ID for each of the images in the set, and while we worked on it, we could see (via the Done&Talk button or via Searching Talk) any comments that had been added in the first project. (The comments weren't relevant to the second project but they were there, which is how I know the Subject ID didn't change.)
We had two projects at Notes from Nature that used the same set of images to collect very different types of data about them (Arkansas Dendrology: Part 7: Red Oaks and Phenology I: Oaks). The two projects were not "live" at the same time. The second one did use the same Subject ID for each of the images in the set, and while we worked on it, we could see (via the Done&Talk button or via Searching Talk) any comments that had been added in the first project. (The comments weren't relevant to the second project but they were there, which is how I know the Subject ID didn't change.)
5 Participants
Some time in about the last 24 hours, not only the rotation state has persisted when a new image is loaded, but occasionally the altered pan position has also persisted. The pan position retention is new: it was not happening last week when we posted the earlier messages in this thread. I use pan on very nearly 100% of the images I work on (I work in Notes from Nature), so there's no possibility I could have missed this if it had happened before. And it is not happening on every image now, probably less than 20%. I have not identified any pattern to which images are affected or not affected. I have logged off, cleared cache & cookies, closed the browser, for several separate sessions in this 24 hour period.
(Firefox 53.0.3. 32-bit on Windows 7 home premium)
update it's even weirder: The initial image display is messed up increasingly frequently as the day goes on. Much worse this evening (in another fresh browser session) than it was this afternoon. I've been carefully pressing the "reset zoom" button just before pressing Done, and the next image frequently appears panned partway out of the image window - in all different directions. Sometimes the new image is still sized to fit and centered in the viewing window, but more and more frequently, it's off center and sometimes it's reduced in size.
update 2 Is anyone seeing this problem in other Zooniverse projects? I didn't report it on Talk in NfN because my first impression was that it was similar to the other image-position problem reported in this thread, and that this kind of issue would more often than not be a Zooniverse issue rather than NfN-specific.
More data. The new problem that started happening for me Wednesday (12 Sept), where a new image being shown incorrectly positioned in the viewing window is happening almost 100% of the time in one particular workflow, and rarely (possibly never) in a number of other workflows in Notes from Nature. (The reason it seemed worse, as I reported in my previous update here, is that I had been working mainly in this particular workflow at that time.)
The problem affects workflow 4144 (Labs_WeDigFlowering I: When does tickseed bloom?). This workflow went live at the end of June 2017 and I have done at least 6 classifications there just about every day since then. As far as I can tell, nothing about the workflow has changed since the start. @md68135, you haven't changed anything in the Tickseed Lab workflow in the past couple of days, have you? If you did, or you have reason to think this could be an NfN problem (rather than a Zooniverse one), I'll move this problem report over to NfN Talk.
Unfortunately, monitoring the NfN Statistics page shows that very nearly all the classifications in this workflow for the past few weeks have been mine (so it would be pretty much futile to ask if others have seen a recent change in the way images are displayed). I am certain I didn't see misaligned images in this (or any) NfN workflow before Wednesday. And in case anyone wonders, I have not updated the browser instance that I use for Zooniverse since late April (yes, I know that's bad.. but it does eliminate one possible factor here).
For what it's worth, after I started seeing this problem, I classified at least a few Subjects in these NfN workflows (Wed late afternoon and evening EDT) and did not see any misaligned images:
Some time in about the last 24 hours, not only the rotation state has persisted when a new image is loaded, but occasionally the altered pan position has also persisted. The pan position retention is new: it was not happening last week when we posted the earlier messages in this thread. I use pan on very nearly 100% of the images I work on (I work in Notes from Nature), so there's no possibility I could have missed this if it had happened before. And it is not happening on every image now, probably less than 20%. I have not identified any pattern to which images are affected or not affected. I have logged off, cleared cache & cookies, closed the browser, for several separate sessions in this 24 hour period.
(Firefox 53.0.3. 32-bit on Windows 7 home premium)
update it's even weirder: The initial image display is messed up increasingly frequently as the day goes on. Much worse this evening (in another fresh browser session) than it was this afternoon. I've been carefully pressing the "reset zoom" button just before pressing Done, and the next image frequently appears panned partway out of the image window - in all different directions. Sometimes the new image is still sized to fit and centered in the viewing window, but more and more frequently, it's off center and sometimes it's reduced in size.
update 2 Is anyone seeing this problem in other Zooniverse projects? I didn't report it on Talk in NfN because my first impression was that it was similar to the other image-position problem reported in this thread, and that this kind of issue would more often than not be a Zooniverse issue rather than NfN-specific.
More data. The new problem that started happening for me Wednesday (12 Sept), where a new image being shown incorrectly positioned in the viewing window is happening almost 100% of the time in one particular workflow, and rarely (possibly never) in a number of other workflows in Notes from Nature. (The reason it seemed worse, as I reported in my previous update here, is that I had been working mainly in this particular workflow at that time.)
The problem affects workflow 4144 (Labs_WeDigFlowering I: When does tickseed bloom?). This workflow went live at the end of June 2017 and I have done at least 6 classifications there just about every day since then. As far as I can tell, nothing about the workflow has changed since the start. @md68135, you haven't changed anything in the Tickseed Lab workflow in the past couple of days, have you? If you did, or you have reason to think this could be an NfN problem (rather than a Zooniverse one), I'll move this problem report over to NfN Talk.
Unfortunately, monitoring the NfN Statistics page shows that very nearly all the classifications in this workflow for the past few weeks have been mine (so it would be pretty much futile to ask if others have seen a recent change in the way images are displayed). I am certain I didn't see misaligned images in this (or any) NfN workflow before Wednesday. And in case anyone wonders, I have not updated the browser instance that I use for Zooniverse since late April (yes, I know that's bad.. but it does eliminate one possible factor here).
For what it's worth, after I started seeing this problem, I classified at least a few Subjects in these NfN workflows (Wed late afternoon and evening EDT) and did not see any misaligned images:
4 Participants
A volunteer in NfN-Plants of Arkansas commented today on several Subjects they were sure they had classified already. They have seen red banners before and know to look for them. They had classified heavily in the workflow so would not have been surprised to see red banners. But even after being asked to check again, the system showed them a subject for a third time today. They reported late afternoon today (US Central time) that they finally did see a red banner.
Could the "missing" red banners be due to the same problem that caused the lag in updating our classification counts?
A volunteer in NfN-Plants of Arkansas commented today on several Subjects they were sure they had classified already. They have seen red banners before and know to look for them. They had classified heavily in the workflow so would not have been surprised to see red banners. But even after being asked to check again, the system showed them a subject for a third time today. They reported late afternoon today (US Central time) that they finally did see a red banner.
Could the "missing" red banners be due to the same problem that caused the lag in updating our classification counts?
9 Participants
The Classification total on the NfN Statistics page for one workflow has not updated for at least a day (possibly longer): workflow 7976 Labs_Fall Showoff: The Seaside Goldenrod has been stuck at 2,826, although I submitted 36 classifications myself today (all before 1200 EST/1700 UT, and it's nearly 1830 EST now, so it's not due to system delays). I saved the counts for several other workflows at that time, and all of them have increased during that time interval. (If it helps to know, those are 6816 Herbarium_Plants of Arkansas: The Delta and Crowley's Ridge Flora (Part IV), 7955 Herbarium_“Nature’s Nobleman”: Botanical Legacies of William Canby (1831-1904), and 8296 Labs_Label Babel.)
There's a discussion here of a similar problem back in August affecting the Classification total for workflows in several different projects.
The Classification total on the NfN Statistics page for one workflow has not updated for at least a day (possibly longer): workflow 7976 Labs_Fall Showoff: The Seaside Goldenrod has been stuck at 2,826, although I submitted 36 classifications myself today (all before 1200 EST/1700 UT, and it's nearly 1830 EST now, so it's not due to system delays). I saved the counts for several other workflows at that time, and all of them have increased during that time interval. (If it helps to know, those are 6816 Herbarium_Plants of Arkansas: The Delta and Crowley's Ridge Flora (Part IV), 7955 Herbarium_“Nature’s Nobleman”: Botanical Legacies of William Canby (1831-1904), and 8296 Labs_Label Babel.)
There's a discussion here of a similar problem back in August affecting the Classification total for workflows in several different projects.
4 Participants
I teach astronomy at Northwest Arkansas Community College and have used Zooniverse for in-class activities for several years. The students LOVE the chance to work with "real" data. This semester I have a student with low vision and am wondering if anyone has any experience with things like trying to zoom the screen in any of the projects. This semester I was originally planning to use Zwicky Chemical Factory, Citizen ASAS-SN, and Dark Energy Explorers. Any assistance any of you can provide or suggest will be greatly appreciated.
I teach astronomy at Northwest Arkansas Community College and have used Zooniverse for in-class activities for several years. The students LOVE the chance to work with "real" data. This semester I have a student with low vision and am wondering if anyone has any experience with things like trying to zoom the screen in any of the projects. This semester I was originally planning to use Zwicky Chemical Factory, Citizen ASAS-SN, and Dark Energy Explorers. Any assistance any of you can provide or suggest will be greatly appreciated.
2 Participants
Hello, anyone? Are the counts stuck again? I have been looking at the barcharts in the bottom section of the NfN Statistics page, and today's (18 April) counts for several workflows show a lower number than the number of classifications I personally did today - in all of those, I classified between 2-6 pm EDT (UTC-4). My own personal NfN classification count has been ticking up to reflect each classification I did (within minutes, as usual). The barchart counts are also typically updated within minutes, as soon as or even before my personal total. Nearly all the other workflows show at least some classifications for 18 April, so if these charts are stuck, it hasn't been happening for long.
Hello, anyone? Are the counts stuck again? I have been looking at the barcharts in the bottom section of the NfN Statistics page, and today's (18 April) counts for several workflows show a lower number than the number of classifications I personally did today - in all of those, I classified between 2-6 pm EDT (UTC-4). My own personal NfN classification count has been ticking up to reflect each classification I did (within minutes, as usual). The barchart counts are also typically updated within minutes, as soon as or even before my personal total. Nearly all the other workflows show at least some classifications for 18 April, so if these charts are stuck, it hasn't been happening for long.
6 Participants
List of all the active transcription projects in no particlar order, that should keep you busy
Mapping Change
Reading Nature's Library
African American Civil War Soldiers
SCOTUS Notes: Behind the Scenes at Supreme Court Conference
Plant Letters
London Bird Records
Anti-Slavery Manuscripts
Scribes of the Cairo Geniza
The American Soldier
Southern Weather Discovery
Notes from Nature - WeDigFLPlants
Measuring the ANZACs
Criminal Characters
Macdonald Dictionary
Notes from Nature - CalBug
Notes from Nature - Plants of Arkansas
Notes from Nature - Capturing California's Flowers
Notes From Nature - Southeastern U.S. Biodiversity
Notes from Nature - NYBG
Notes From Nature - Herbarium
Star Notes
Nest Quest Go: Robins
Rainfall Rescue
List of all the active transcription projects in no particlar order, that should keep you busy
Mapping Change
Reading Nature's Library
African American Civil War Soldiers
SCOTUS Notes: Behind the Scenes at Supreme Court Conference
Plant Letters
London Bird Records
Anti-Slavery Manuscripts
Scribes of the Cairo Geniza
The American Soldier
Southern Weather Discovery
Notes from Nature - WeDigFLPlants
Measuring the ANZACs
Criminal Characters
Macdonald Dictionary
Notes from Nature - CalBug
Notes from Nature - Plants of Arkansas
Notes from Nature - Capturing California's Flowers
Notes From Nature - Southeastern U.S. Biodiversity
Notes from Nature - NYBG
Notes From Nature - Herbarium
Star Notes
Nest Quest Go: Robins
Rainfall Rescue
5 Participants