Adler Planetarium

Cliff Johnson, Zooniverse Co-Director & Science Lead

Cory Chambers, Mobile Developer

Delilah Clement, Senior Developer & Frontend Lead

Laura Trouille, Zooniverse PI

Mark Bouslog, Developer

Meredith Stepien, Manager of Creative Content and Production

Michael Zevin, Astronomer
Michelle Yuen, Developer

Samantha Blickhan, Zooniverse Co-Director & Humanities Lead

Sean Miller, Designer
Zach Wolfenbarger, Developer

Alisa Apreleva, Project Liaison and Researcher

Chris Lintott, Senior Scientist

Oluwatoyosi Oyegoke, Software Developer

Shaun A. Noordin, Web Developer

Hayley Roberts, Post-doctoral Researcher
Kameswara Mantha, Post-doctoral Researcher

Lucy Fortson, University of Minnesota Zooniverse Director

Travis Kiefer, Developer

Adam McMaster, Researcher

Brooke Simmons, Researcher and Humanitarian Lead

Coleman Krawczyk, Data Scientist

Helen Spiers, Researcher

Hugh Dickinson, Researcher

Karen Masters, Researcher

Meg Schwamb, Researcher

Molly Simon, Education Postdoctoral Fellow
Ramana Sankar, Post-doctoral Researcher

Rebecca Smethurst, Researcher

Sandor Kruk, Researcher

Sarah Huebner, Post-doctoral researcher
Victoria Van Hyning, Researcher

Alex Bowyer, Web Science Architect

Alex Weiksnar, Developer

Ali Swanson, Researcher

Amy Boyer, Developer

Andrea Simenstad, Developer

Arfon Smith, Technical Lead

Becky Rother, Designer

Beverley Newing, Web Developer Intern

Brian Carstensen, UX Developer

Campbell Allen, Developer

Chelsea Troy, Software Engineer

Chris Oliver, Developer

Chris Snyder, Project Manager

Christopher Doogue, Project Assistant

Darren McRoy, Community Manager

Darryl Wright, Researcher

Erik Ostlund, Developer

Grant Miller, Communications Lead & Product Manager

Greg Hines, Data Scientist

Hannah Sewell, Web Development placement student

Heath van Singel, Designer

James Artz, Developer

Jen Gupta, Educator

Jim O'Donnell, UX Developer

Jordan Martin, Visual Designer

Julie Feldt, Educator

Keanu Glover, Junior Designer

Kelly Borden, Educator

Kyle Willett, Researcher

Laura Whyte, Adler Planetarium Zooniverse Director

Mariam Saeedi, Web Developer Intern

Marten Veldthuis, Developer

Mary Westwood, Postdoctoral Researcher

Maysa Bashraheel, Web Developer Intern

Melanie Beck, Researcher

Michael Parrish, Rails/Backend Developer
Nicole Ciemniak, Developer

Noah Malmed, Mobile App Developer

Perry Roper, Developer

Robert Simpson, Developer

Robin Schaaf, Mobile App Developer

Roger Hutchings, Developer

Rona Costello, Web Development placement student

Samuel Aroney, Web Development placement student

Sarah Allen, Developer

Sascha Ishikawa, Developer

Simone Duca, Developer

Steve Raden, Developer

Stuart Lynn, Developer

Veronica Maidel, Data Scientist