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Showing 1-20 of 80 projects found.

Solar Radio Burst Tracker
Join the Solar Radio Burst Tracker — Identify unique bursts and unlock the mysteries of solar activity!
Nature SPAM Filter
Provide valuable human insights to help scientists decide on the best AI tools for filtering wildlife-related news
Help us digitize Italian meteorological data from 1879 to 1940 to better understand the climate and its past changes!
Monsoon Voyages
Help us recover historical weather observations from Singapore and the Malacca Straits
Help the General Archive of the "Región de Murcia" transcribe more than 36.000 cards of testamentary dispositions granted in the city of Murcia between the 15th and 19th centuries!
The Material Culture of Wills: England 1540-1790
Help us transcribe wills from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, and reveal how ownership of, and attitudes towards, objects changed in a period of economic transformation
SPLUS: Science Hunters
S-PLUS is a Brazilian project that allows us to hunt for galaxies, peculiar stars, asteroids, and more.
Searching for asteroids around dead stars!
Eclipsing Binary Patrol
Help us find eclipsing binary stars from TESS!
Sudan Road Access: Logistics Cluster
Help humanitarians deliver aid in Sudan
Radio Galaxy Zoo: EMU
Hunt supermassive black holes, star forming galaxies, and discover the unknown!
Notes from Nature - CAS Plants to Pixels
These images hold tons of critical information about California plants — where they grow, what they look like, when they flower and fruit — and we need your help unlocking it.
AtmosEleC - Atmospheric Electricity for Climate
Let's explore the invisible link between atmospheric electricity and the profound impact of climate change
Embark on an expedition as we journey into the depths of the Gulf of America (formerly Gulf of Mexico), on a mission to map communities of deep-sea coral!
Everglades Wildlife Watch
Help us document Florida's wildlife throughout the Greater Everglades and its surrounding ecosystems!
Help researchers to spot small juvenile fish in their natural habitats!
Sunspot Detectives
Exploring Historical Solar Drawings to Understand Our Sun's Changes
Where's Walleye?
Join us to search for and identify fish species in Great Lakes coastal wetlands
Burst Chaser
Unveiling the mysterious origin of gamma-ray bursts
Dear Monsieur Sampaio…
Rebuilding Gonçalo Sampaio's intellectual connections through the transcription of more than 3,000 pages from his personal archive.