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Transkripsiyonu nasıl yapacağınıza dair videomuza buradan yazılı dokümana ise buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. / You can find the links to our video about transcription task here and written tutorials here.
**How to use Zooniverse and transcribe Ottoman Turkish documents? **
We prepared a brief walkthrough video on how to create and submit transcriptions of Ottoman Turkish documents: https://youtu.be/BICODO66Dm8
**Transkripsiyon Nasıl Yapılır ve Zooniverse nasıl kullanılır? **
Sizler için transkripsiyon süreci hakkında kısa bir tanıtım videosu hazırladık: https://youtu.be/IF5wa5qO1J4
What kind of transcription conventions does OTurc follow for Ottoman Turkish?
You can find the details of our transcription scheme as well as examples of exceptional cases and frequently used terms in the Field Guide section of the project page. You may also download the Tutorial&Field Guide sections of the project from here: https://github.com/OturC/OTurC-Projec...