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1 Participant
1 Comment
Hi, Zooniversers !
First of all, I love you .... Because... but you know why... dont you ?
Second, i made a videoclip for Zooniverse addict, Psytrance, for party i guess.
you can find it on Youtube, search for Qsar Kiss, then : Zooniverse (v1)
Maybe i will ad a tiny peak...
tell me
Peace & Progress...
& Kiss
1 Participant
1 Comment
Dear Zooniverse team, I am interested in using the Zooniverse platform for a crowdsourcing project in which participants/volunteers would be called to document certain material heirtage objects and upload their images into an online database. The existing types of workflows one can choose from, as far as I understand it, do not allow for the possibility to upload images by volunteers. Is such an option at all possible within Zooniverse? I would be very grateful for an answer. Thanks in advance!
1 Participant
1 Comment
I don’t think humans are being replaced by machines, but I think the type of work they do is changing. A camera trap project nowadays is more likely to see humans working alongside machines to analyse the photos.
There’s a group here at Oxford who analyse chimp behaviour with machine learning. One of them can label 5,000 images in an afternoon, then use those labels to identify chimp behaviour, and individual chimps, in thousands of videos. The machine learning is good, but it still needs that initial human input.
And, of course, there’s still the question of the odd and unusual discoveries that can come up in Talk comments. I’m not sure how good the current state of machine learning would be at identifying those.
2 Participants
Could it be that the migrated database on its new hardware is responding significantly faster to queries than in its old setting? Things like the per-project "RECENTS" pages now consistently load swiftly - instead of having to wait for half a minute until the subject thumbnails begin to appear.
Hoping it'll stay so.
8 Participants
11 Participants
2 Participants
7 Participants
I am inquring about how many versions of Galaxy Zoo there have been. I ask because the Wikipedia article needs updating, as at the moment it refers to 15 versions up to 2017, so is clearly out of date. Any estimations greatfully received
1 Participant
1 Comment
If you post your question here
you might get a quicker response from those working regularly on Galaxy Zoo.
3 Participants
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